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Coelomic Cavity Formation, Midgut Susp by mesentery proper herniate out to yolkd sac, rotates, then returns at 3rd mo. Contains part of duod, sm. bowel, cecum, app, large bowel up to most of trans colon vitelline duct/yolk stalk connect to yolk sac could stay as vit. liga to umbilicus sometimes vit. cyst in this liga. or stay open as fistula-feces out umbilicus Meckel's divert.- outpocketing of vit. duct from ileum Abnormalities omphalocele-midgut doesn't return to body covered by amnion Gastroschisis-through right of umb-NO amnion due to degen or rt. umb vein umbilical hernia-bulge at umb, after birth Abnormal rotation-just 90deg-all colon on left reversed rotation-trans. colon behind duod Atresias/stenosis-close or narrow tube -due to blood deficit ???? Hindgut Distal 1/3 of trans colon, desc, sigm. colon rectum, upper anus Endoderm->bladder, urethra enters cloaca -direct contact w/ ectoderm at cloacal membrane urorectal septum divides ant-urogenital sinus post-anorectal canal Since upper anus=hindgut, has branch off IMA-sup. rectal lower 1/3-ectodermal-int. pudenal, Dorsal Mesentery stom-dorsal mesogastrium/greater omentum omental bursa(lesser sac)forms -dorsal meso thins and folds over duod-dorsal mesoduodenum-disappears colon-dorsal mesocolon jej, ileum-mesentery proper/dorsal mesentery ???? Dorsal mesogastrium spleen/pancreas in here then gut rotates panc fuses w/ wall, now retro same w/ duod exc w/ duod cap spleen fixed b/w gastrolienal &lienorenal ligas-now on wall CW rotation of gut (from cephalic) -greater omentum forms from dor. mesogas. fuses w/ dor. mes of trans. colon and transverse mesocolon, Coelomic cavity formation ???? Mesenteries&Ligaments impt for vessels to/fro abd. organs a/v/n/L, Foregut Esoph, trachea fistula possible-blue baby Stomach, duod hypertrophy in pyloric stom=> pyloris stenosis-food obstruction/vomiting duod part fore, part midgut=>vasc from SMA, celiac Liver-hepatic diverticulum from caudal foregut connect via bile duct to gut ventral mesen ant.=falc. lig, post=lesser omentum make blood cells and bile Gallbladder/cystic duct-diverticulum from bile duct Pancreas-dorsal(tail) & ventral(uncinate) buds in respective mesen til 90deg rotation, then united main & acces. ducts Annular panc-parts don't unite-constrict duod panc tissue can end up in stomach mucosa or Meckel's diverticulum ???? Midgut Susp by mesentery proper herniate out to yolkd sac, rotates, then returns at 3rd mo. Contains part of duod, sm. bowel, cecum, app, large bowel up to most of trans colon vitelline duct/yolk stalk connect to yolk sac could stay as vit. liga to umbilicus sometimes vit. cyst in this liga. or stay open as fistula-feces out umbilicus Meckel's divert.- outpocketing of vit. duct from ileum Abnormalities omphalocele-midgut doesn't return to body covered by amnion Gastroschisis-through right of umb-NO amnion due to degen or rt. umb vein umbilical hernia-bulge at umb, after birth Abnormal rotation-just 90deg-all colon on left reversed rotation-trans. colon behind duod Atresias/stenosis-close or narrow tube -due to blood deficit, Transverse septum-=>diaphragm Apparently descends by diff. growth -dorsal vs. ventral. thus, C345, L1 too thick mesodermal tissue divide thorax from yolk sac stalk Fuses w/ pleuriperitoneal folds+ myloblasts from body wall+ mesentery from esoph=diaphr. ???? Diaphragmatic hernia foregut viscera protrudes to thorax pleuroperitoneal folds don't close pericardioperitoneal canals btw, pleuropericardial memb w/ phrenic becomes fibrous pericardium Parasternal hernia-type of diaphrag. her. b/w sternum and ribs, viscera come up Esophageal hernia-another type upper stomach still in thor, short esoph., Coelomic cavity formation ???? Foregut Esoph, trachea fistula possible-blue baby Stomach, duod hypertrophy in pyloric stom=> pyloris stenosis-food obstruction/vomiting duod part fore, part midgut=>vasc from SMA, celiac Liver-hepatic diverticulum from caudal foregut connect via bile duct to gut ventral mesen ant.=falc. lig, post=lesser omentum make blood cells and bile Gallbladder/cystic duct-diverticulum from bile duct Pancreas-dorsal(tail) & ventral(uncinate) buds in respective mesen til 90deg rotation, then united main & acces. ducts Annular panc-parts don't unite-constrict duod panc tissue can end up in stomach mucosa or Meckel's diverticulum, Mesenteries&Ligaments impt for vessels to/fro abd. organs a/v/n/L ???? Dorsal Mesentery stom-dorsal mesogastrium/greater omentum omental bursa(lesser sac)forms -dorsal meso thins and folds over duod-dorsal mesoduodenum-disappears colon-dorsal mesocolon jej, ileum-mesentery proper/dorsal mesentery, Mesenteries&Ligaments impt for vessels to/fro abd. organs a/v/n/L ???? Ventral mesentery div. to falciform liga w/ umb. vein lesser omentum due to expanding liver, Coelomic cavity formation ???? Transverse septum-=>diaphragm Apparently descends by diff. growth -dorsal vs. ventral. thus, C345, L1 too thick mesodermal tissue divide thorax from yolk sac stalk Fuses w/ pleuriperitoneal folds+ myloblasts from body wall+ mesentery from esoph=diaphr., Hindgut Distal 1/3 of trans colon, desc, sigm. colon rectum, upper anus Endoderm->bladder, urethra enters cloaca -direct contact w/ ectoderm at cloacal membrane urorectal septum divides ant-urogenital sinus post-anorectal canal Since upper anus=hindgut, has branch off IMA-sup. rectal lower 1/3-ectodermal-int. pudenal ???? Abnormalities- Imperforate anus-anal membrane intact rectal atresia-rectoanal doesn't breach fistulas-connect rectum to something else